When the Holidays are Hard Part 1

When the Holidays are Hard Part 1


December is often portrayed as a time of togetherness and joy with many different religious and cultural celebrations such as Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa. However, for many individuals, this time of year can be surprisingly difficult. Whether it’s the weight of past losses, financial stress, or the pressure to meet expectations, there are a variety of reasons why the holidays can be hard. In this blog post, we’ll explore the common challenges people face during this season and offer practical strategies to help you get through it.


Part 1 – Understanding Holiday Challenges

Grief and Loss

  • The holidays can serve as reminders of loved ones who are no longer with us. The absence of a cherished family member or friend can cast a shadow over what should be a joyous time, leading to feelings of sadness and grief.


  • Not everyone has a bustling social life, and for those who find themselves isolated or lacking strong social connections, the holidays can be a lonely and isolating period. The emphasis on spending time with loved ones can amplify these feelings.

Financial Stress

  • The pressure to buy gifts, travel, and partake in various holiday activities can put a significant strain on your finances. The stress of budgeting and feeling financially stretched can diminish the joy of the season.

Family Conflict

  • Family gatherings can sometimes bring about conflicts and tension, especially when there are differences in values, beliefs, or unresolved family issues. What should be a harmonious celebration can quickly devolve into a source of stress.

Expectations and Pressure

  • The expectations associated with the holidays can be overwhelming. From creating the “perfect” holiday experience to meeting social obligations, the pressure can lead to stress, anxiety, and a feeling of inadequacy.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

  • As the days grow shorter and darker, some individuals experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The combination of decreased daylight hours and the holiday season can exacerbate symptoms of depression.

Cultural or Religious Differences

  • For those who come from different cultural or religious backgrounds, the holidays may not align with their own traditions and beliefs. This can create a sense of cultural isolation and disconnection.

Health Issues

  • Dealing with physical or mental health issues during the holidays can be especially challenging. Coping with health problems while trying to participate in holiday festivities can be overwhelming.

Social Comparison

  • The prevalence of social media has made it easier than ever to compare our lives to others. Seeing seemingly perfect holiday experiences on social platforms can lead to feelings of inadequacy and discontent.

Memories of Trauma

  • For individuals who have experienced trauma during previous holidays, the season can serve as a trigger for traumatic memories, resulting in distress and anxiety.

Although these challenges are real and difficult, it is possible to get through them. Stay tuned for When the Holidays are Hard Part 2 next week to learn about some coping strategies to get through the holiday season in the midst of all these challenges.