GLRC facilitates both substance abuse and suicide prevention programming throughout the Upper Peninsula. Through this work, we strive to reduce the stigma around mental health and substance use. GLRC staff coordinate Communities that Care (CTC) in several Upper Peninsula counties. We offer prevention services in three counties and facilitate the West End Suicide Prevention team in Marquette County. We also coordinate the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Initiative across the Upper Peninsula. We provide Narcan training to law enforcement, medical facilities, and the community. We have active youth involvement focus groups and provide QPR to community, schools, and businesses.
Our programs explore the consequences and implications of substance abuse. Clients learn about:
–Personal responsibility and self-improvement
–Attitudes, behaviors and physiology of drug and alcohol abuse
–Legal and law enforcement issues
–Accessing community resources and support
–Community restoration
Prevention Services
Prevention Specialists go into the community to offer evidence-based programming to schools, courts, Child Protective Services, businesses and the community. Some of the programs we provide are:
• Botvins Life Skills: addresses depression and Substance Use Disorders. We are currently in 10 school districts providing this program to 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students.
• Prime for life: addresses substance abuse and behavioral changes. We currently offer this program to our court systems, CPS, Jail, and schools as a replacement to suspension or detention; ages 14 to 24.
• Guiding Good Choices: family competency training program offered to schools and the community that aims to –
– enhance parenting behaviors and skills;
– enhance effective child management behaviors and parent-child interactions and bonding;
– teach children skills to resist peer influence;
– reduce adolescent problem behaviors.
• Suicide Awareness and Prevention: we offer Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training to school staff and students, as well as sponsor suicide prevention walks across the Upper Peninsula.
• Voices: this is a female program addressing self-awareness and discovery. The program is 18 weeks long for ages 14-18 and offered to the community, courts, schools, and CPS.
• Youth Involvement action group: this group meeting addresses depression, anxiety, and learning new skills.
Communities that Care
We coordinate Communities that Care (CTC) across the Upper Peninsula. The CTC prevention model addresses risk factors for youth problem behavior and creates opportunities for youth to engage in the community. The mission is to unite community members to create a healthier, safer community for our youth.
West End Suicide Prevention
West End Suicide Prevention (WESP) is a diverse group of individuals from the west end of Marquette County who work to prevent suicide in the community. WESP includes members from healthcare, law enforcement, schools, businesses, community members, non-profit organizations and others. We meet monthly to discuss ways to reduce stigma in our community, such as promoting educational events, attending health fairs, and participating in community events. To learn more you can visit the WESP Page here.