I Discovered a New Mole. What Now?

I Discovered a New Mole. What Now?


As May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, we wanted to go over the importance of checking your skin and knowing what to do when changes occur. There’s no question life is full of surprises. While surprises can be exciting, there are many that come in the form of unwanted changes to our bodies. One such change may be the sudden appearance of a new mole. While it can be concerning, it’s necessary to go into this new development with a level head and a commitment to understand and care for our bodies. In this blog post we will explore the journey of a new mole starting from discovery.


Chapter 1: Discovery

The journey often times begins with a simple step – seeing a new spot on your skin that was not there before. They can appear on just about every part of our body. The most common reaction involves a mix of curiosity and concern. Thoughts can start racing through your mind after discovery. These could include “Is this normal? or “Is this something to worry about?”


Chapter 2: Understanding Moles

It’s important to understand what moles are to navigate your journey after discovery. Moles are caused by clusters of pigment-forming cells that appear on our skin. Although they vary in size, they are usually symmetrical in shape. As for color, they are usually brown or black. They are most often harmless and rarely cancerous, but it is important to be aware of changes that may occur to the mole.


Chapter 3: Monitoring and Documenting

The next step in the journey is to keep a close eye on the mole. Regular monitoring is crucial to ensure any changes are captured. Document any changes to size, color, or shape. Taking pictures of the mole is a great way to document changes. It can also be valuable if you decide to consult with a healthcare professional.


Chapter 4: Seeking Professional Guidance

If any concerning changes are observed while you are monitoring the new mole, you should consult with a dermatologist or a healthcare provider. These concerns could include asymmetrical shape, irregular border, change in color, mole growth, or any different signs and symptoms. Even if they end up being ok, it is important to seek guidance. They have the expertise to assess the mole and determine next steps. Early detection of a new mole can be crucial in properly addressing issues that may be present. As part of a complete early detection strategy, it is also recommended to see a dermatologist at least once a year even if nothing seems to be wrong.


Chapter 5: Embracing Healthy Skin Care Habits

Discovering a new mole can act as a reminder to prioritize taking care of our skin. Habits that help contribute to better skin health include regular sunscreen application, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding prolonged sun exposure. Not only are these good methods for increased skin health, but they can also reduce the risk of skin-related concerns in the future.


We can learn many lessons from the discovery of a new mole. It teaches us the importance of checking our bodies for abnormalities, proactive health monitoring, and seeking professional guidance when any concerns arise. With these steps you should be able to stay on top of any new mole that may appear and know when to seek guidance with the absence of any unnecessary worrying.




GLRC Medical Services offer a full-body, professional skin exam at no-cost to you. To sign up for the free screening call (906) 485-2347 or go to www.greatlakesrecovery.org for more information.