Educational Services
GLRC provides an on-site classroom to enable clients to continue their education while in treatment. The classroom environment is equipped with comfortable desk seating, with an abundance of natural light and views of nature. A certified Special Education Teacher employed by Marquette Alger Regional Education Service Agency (MARESA) and a GLRC counselor are both designated to the classroom. This low adult to student ratio allows for sufficient monitoring and individual support.
The teacher is responsible for all lesson planning, teaching, testing, as well as coordination of communication and curriculum from the client’s originating district. Coordination of GED testing is also available when appropriate. In addition, MARESA facilitates the transferring of clients’ school records upon admission and discharge from treatment as well as providing the district to where the client is returning with academic recommendations.
During the treatment stay, weekly school reports are provided by the teacher to the Primary Counselors documenting classroom performance. Each client is assigned a laptop computer and headphones, when needed, at their workstation to enhance their learning experience. Computer usage is closely monitored and security blocks from inappropriate websites and social media are in place. The computers are for academic use only. The classroom is also equipped with a dry erase board, smart board, projector, and monitor for a variety of presentation methods. A MARESA School Psychologist is available for consultation, developing/monitoring an Individualized Education Program (IEP), and Special Education Testing, when needed. Books, learning materials, and all supplies for activities and transportation are provided by GLRC with assistance from MARESA.